Founded in 2017
Moise Cece
“I am not crazy, my reality is just different than yours”- Yup Silianise Moise (known to many as Cece) may as well have this statement signed and notarized. Cece is God’s work, with her many achievements, her vision for Beauty without Borders, her continuous love for family, and commitment to her friends she has never once moved without faith. One word to describe Cece would Not be determined-because determined lacks Cece’s zeal, she can be described as tenacious- at the sight of adversity she will not yield. She remains Steadfast, in its literal form. She pushes herself to the limit when it comes time to accomplish meaningful tasks. To some idle time is a distraction, but to Cece idle time is the greatest commodity and she makes the best use of it. Cece se FAM ki mean business, unwavering and determined to carry out her prolific image, her values and her vision. Cece envisions a world where girls and women dare to unapologetically treasure their unique beings. She dares herself and all women around her to embrace their flaws and soar in every area of their lives. As the founder and CEO of Beauty without Borders, a published Author, a therapist, an Entrepreneur, and a low-key hustling African Wear designer, she dedicates her time to embody the values she passionately wants to instill in her organization and the world around her. She exemplifies the value of education, possessing both a Bachelor and Masters’ degree and she’s currently pursuing her PhD in Educational leadership with hopes to effectively lead and influence those she serves. Cece grew up in Haiti and came to the US at an early age. She has had the opportunity to share her love across the US. She has lived in Los Angeles, Florida and currently resides in the Boston area. When Cece is not studying, sowing, designing or writing, she is being a supporting friend or simply a beauty queen. Cece is a Fam Total.
Written by Daphney K-Valcinor