The Gift, Only God Can Give.
This Christmas, let us take a moment to pause and reflect on the Gift—a Gift so divine, so precious, that only God Himself could give it. It was not wrapped in shimmering paper or adorned with ribbons. It was not gold, silver, or any treasure the world could offer. Instead, it was a humble, holy offering—a Child, swaddled in cloth and laid in a manger, a Savior given to us in love.
In this single act of grace, heaven met earth. The Father, in His boundless mercy, gave His only Son to a world lost and broken. The greatest love story began that night, as God offered Himself to humanity. He chose to come not in grandeur or power, but in the fragile form of a baby. Born in a stable, surrounded by animals and hay, the King of kings stepped into our mess to bring peace to our chaos and light to our darkness.
From His glorious throne to a lowly manger, Jesus came. He came to rescue the weary, to lift the brokenhearted, and to save sinners. The hope of the world arrived quietly, but His arrival changed everything. That night, a holy cry pierced the silence—a cry that would echo through eternity, proclaiming that God was with us, Emmanuel. In that single moment, the dawn of redeeming grace broke through, and the world would never be the same.
This Christmas, let us look beyond the lights, the gifts, and the festivities. Let us fix our eyes on the manger, where the greatest Gift of all was placed. He is the Savior who came not only for the world but for you. For your pain, your fears, your brokenness, and your sin. He came to make you whole, to bring you life, and to offer you hope that will never fade.
Let us open our hearts to receive Him anew. Let us remember that the manger was just the beginning of a journey that led to the cross, where God’s perfect love was poured out for us. This Child, born in Bethlehem, would one day give His life so we could have eternity. He is the Gift that keeps on giving—mercy that knows no end, grace that cannot be earned, and love that cannot be measured.
So, as we gather with loved ones and exchange presents, let us cherish the truth that the greatest Gift has already been given. A Gift that doesn’t fade, rust, or break. A Gift that fills our hearts and transforms our lives.
The Son of God, born for us. The hope of glory. The Prince of Peace.
This Christmas, may we kneel before the manger with grateful hearts. May we receive the Gift of Jesus and let His love shine through us. For unto us, a Child is born, unto us a Son is given. The heavens declared His birth, and the earth will forever rejoice because He came.
So many are longing for Love, that precious GIFT, yet we often save it for special occasions like Christmas. But why wait? Find a way to share a little love every day, spreading God’s GIFT with the world. Don’t reserve Him only for Christmas Day—His love is meant to shine all year long. While holidays come and go, the love, the GIFT, lives on, reminding us that true love is not limited to a season but endures forever, available to share every single day.
Let His presence fill your home and your heart this season, for He is not just a Gift—He is the Gift. The answer to every longing. The fulfillment of every promise. The Savior, Christ the Lord.
Happy Holidays from my family to yours.
With Love, Cece Moise.
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