Dear Mr. President, Jovenel Moise
“Your life is made of two dates and a dash. Make the most of the dash”. Linda Ellis
In the realm of time, where dates mark our span,
A dash emerges, a life’s steadfast plan.
“Make the most of the dash,” Linda Ellis did say,
A mantra embraced as we journey life’s way.
Dear Mr. President, your dash told a tale,
Of courage, conviction, in every detail.
From fields of the farmer to the nation’s helm,
Your journey, a saga, a realm overwhelm.
Jovenel Moise, a leader profound,
In Haiti’s heart, your spirit is found.
Fierce and brave, you dared to tread,
Where shadows loomed, where many had fled.
Monsters of corruption, you faced them all,
A leader undeterred, standing tall.
Attempts on your life, a testament true,
Yet, you pressed on, your mission in view.
In the face of fear, with courage so vast,
You stood unyielding, resolute, steadfast.
A nation in turmoil, corruption’s cruel hand,
You aimed to transform Haiti, to heal, to withstand.
A promise to serve, an oath unbroken,
In the face of danger, words spoken.
Willing to lay down your life’s thread,
For the land you loved, you gave all you had.
In March, our conversation a poignant recall,
Gratitude shared, as you stood tall.
Pride in our veins, your name amongst stars,
Your words echoing from a leader’s memoirs.
Dining on memories, of mom’s food so divine,
A taste of home, a familial line.
Your legacy’s echo, a resounding sound,
In the Moise bloodline, strength is found.
A president, a son, in bloodline so strong,
A legacy woven, an anthem, a song.
Proudly you stood, proud you remain,
In the hearts of a nation, in ancestral terrain.
Rest now, our president, in peaceful reprieve,
With ancestors’ whispers, a tranquil retrieve.
Capois La Mort, Toussaint, Dessalines, and heroes of yore,
Greet you in realms where spirits explore.
The Moise bloodline, an indomitable force,
Carrying your torch, staying the course.
A promise echoed, a pledge to fulfill,
To honor your memory, to persist, to instill.
Farewell, brave leader, till we meet on that shore,
Where dashes connect, and dates are no more.
In history’s embrace, your name will reside,
A hero, a legacy, in time’s endless tide.
In the hallowed rest, where peace does reside,
Your journey continues on the other side.
A leader, a man, in history enshrined,
Jovenel Moise, your legacy, forever defined.
Cece Moise
Read http://cecemoise.com/jovenel-moise-remembering-the-man-behind-the-dream/
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