To my cherished black queen, my deepest desire is for each of you to not only seek but wholeheartedly embrace and inhabit spaces that not only recognize your complete essence but also celebrate and amplify every facet of who you are. In a world where, as black women, we’ve unfortunately become accustomed to bearing a heavy burden of suffering, yet the emotional toll of concealing our true selves behind a forced smile in response to tokenism or marginalization is is a price too high to pay. My fervent wish is that we carve out a new, empowering path for ourselves.
The days of yearning to be seated at tables where my mental well-being, safety, and intrinsic worth were overlooked are now behind me. I extend this hope to you, urging you to grant yourself the freedom to confidently decline invitations to gatherings that no longer contribute positively to your personal growth and fulfillment. Let us collectively prioritize our authenticity, mental well-being, and overall flourishing over spaces that do not honor and appreciate the very essence of who we are.
May you find the strength to boldly RSVP “no” to those tables that no longer align with your highest self, paving the way for a journey marked by self-discovery, empowerment, and unapologetic authenticity.
Cece Moise
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